Change is what we Need!

Monday, June 22, 2015

A Cure For Aids - North Korea

“We have succeeded where the greatest minds in science have failed. North Korea says
The nation that has been described as authoritarian-impoverished, announced that it has a drug which can prevent and cure Mers, Ebola, Sars and Aids.

In a statement, officials of the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) report that scientists developedKumdang-2 from ginseng grown from fertilizer mixed with rare-earth elements and “micro-quantities of gold and platinum.”

Information gathered from the website, claims that “Malicious virus infections like Sars, Ebola and Mers are diseases that are related to immune systems, so they can be easily treated by Kumdang-2 injection drug, which is used to quicken.”

This news seem to have the potential to provoke widespread scepticism, as the secretive state did not provide proof of the drug’s effectiveness.

Findings show that North Korea proclaimed the same drug during the deadly bird flu outbreaks in 2006 and 2013.

The pro-North Korea website Minjok Tongshin proves that the drug was originally produced in 1996.

Further details of this wonder-drug can be found at, with information in Russian and English.

For Europeans wanting to take a course of Kumdang2 can buy it from the Moscow-based distributor Korea Bud.

The basic course of injections starts at 1,500 rubles (£17.50).

In some other news, Nigerian scientist seem to have found a cure for cancer.
There are so many diseases plaguing humanity, and if all these ground-breaking claims are verified to be true, then the world might have become a better place for all.


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